Quando uno straniero critica un Palestinese
Come? Scusa?
Ora lascia che mi spieghi: Israele è un paese occupante, che da 66 anni ruba terra dalla Palestina Storica, e che, agli occhi del mondo, ha il diritto di difendersi dalla popolazione che occupa, che, di fatto, non ha nè esercito nè armi; ma quando i Palestinesi lanciano un singolo razzo, voi iniziate a criticarci perchè riduciamo per voi la possibilità di difenderci perchè spaventiamo gli Israeliani da se stessi!!!!
Come? Scusate siamo tremendi!!
Le persone Europee o Americane, o di qualsiasi altra nazione, non capiranno mai le reali sofferenze dei Palestinesi senza visitare la Palestina (non Israele) e provare le difficoltà che i Palestinesi vivono ogni singolo giorno.
Le nostre sofferenze non riguardano la guerra dei missili, ma la vita quotidiana.
Sfido ciascuno di voi a trovare una famiglia Palestnese che non abbia un figlio martire, o che non abbia un figlio in carcere, nelle prigioni dell'occupazione Israeliana, sia sulla base di una condanna che senza accuse specifiche! Oppure qualcuno il cui figlio è stato esiliato lontano da casa dal governo di chi ci occupa.
Potrebbe ance capitare di trovare tutti questi casi anche in un'unica famiglia.
Ogni volta che incontro dei Palestinesi, sia qui oppure quando ho la possibilità di viaggiare all'estero, gli dico di non farsi influenzare prima di venire in Palestina, di vivere la vita quotidiana, e di conoscere la verità.
Ad essere sinceri, noi Palestinesi non abbiamo bisogno di sostenitori ciechi ed acritici.
Abbiamo bisogno di persone che comprendano la situazione, che cerchino la verità e la raccontino con onestà, perchè come Palestinese sono sicura che in questo caso la ragione sia dalla nostra parte.
Nell'Agosto del 2012 ho incontrato i gruppo Italiano l'Uva Grisa, li abbiamo portati in giro, abbiamo mostrato loro il Muro dell'Apartheid, i luoghi storici e la vita in alcune antiche città Palestinesi.
Molti di loro erano già informati rispetto a cosa accadeva in Palestina, ma sono sicura che quell'esperienza abbia comunicato loro molto più di quanto potessero sapere, e che abbia consentito loro di vedere la verità più chiaramente.
Spero di incontrare l'altro gruppo, che scenderà dal 19 al 30 Agosto prossimo e spero che ciò che le persone scese vedranno aiuti loro a comprendere cosa accade realmente in Palestina
Salam Qumsiyeh
When a Foreigner criticize a Palestinian!
Couple days ago, a friend from Europe asked me: what benefit do you get from shooting rockets? When you Palestinians shoot rockets you reduce the chance for us as foreigners to defend you in front of our countries.
What?! Excuse me?!
So let me put it this way, Israel is an occupying state, which is steeling land from historical Palestine since 66 years, and in the eye of the foreign world they have the right to defend themselves from the people they are occupying, who have in fact no army and no weapons, but when Palestinians shoot a single rocket, you people start criticizing us for reducing the chances for you to defend us because we made the Israeli people worried about themselves!!!!!!
What?! Oh we are terrible sorry!!
People from Europe and the US or any other country, will never understand the real suffering of the Palestinians unless they visit Palestine (not Israel) and live the suffering they live every single day. Our suffering isn’t about the war of the rockets; it’s about the daily life. I challenge anyone of you to find a Palestinian family whose son isn’t a martyr, or whose son isn’t a prisoner in the occupying Israeli jails, either with a sentence or without one! or whose son isn’t expatriate by the occupying government far away from home, or maybe all of these together in one family.
Every time I meet people from outer Palestine, either here or when I have the chance to travel abroad, I tell them never be biased unless you come to Palestine, live the daily life experience and know the truth. To be honest, we Palestinians don’t need blind cheerers! We just need people to understand the situation, seek for the truth and tell it honestly, because as a Palestinian I am sure and I believe that in this case, we are the owners of the right.
In august 2012 I met the Italian group “L’uva Grisa”, we took them around, showed them the apartheid wall, historical places and the life in some of the old cities of Palestine. Most of them had a background about what is going on in Palestine, but I am sure that this experience taught them more than they already knew, and made them see the truth more clearly. I hope to meet the other group, who is coming from 19th to 30th of next august, and I hope that what they will see will benefit them to realize what is really going on in Palestine.
What?! Excuse me?!
So let me put it this way, Israel is an occupying state, which is steeling land from historical Palestine since 66 years, and in the eye of the foreign world they have the right to defend themselves from the people they are occupying, who have in fact no army and no weapons, but when Palestinians shoot a single rocket, you people start criticizing us for reducing the chances for you to defend us because we made the Israeli people worried about themselves!!!!!!
What?! Oh we are terrible sorry!!
People from Europe and the US or any other country, will never understand the real suffering of the Palestinians unless they visit Palestine (not Israel) and live the suffering they live every single day. Our suffering isn’t about the war of the rockets; it’s about the daily life. I challenge anyone of you to find a Palestinian family whose son isn’t a martyr, or whose son isn’t a prisoner in the occupying Israeli jails, either with a sentence or without one! or whose son isn’t expatriate by the occupying government far away from home, or maybe all of these together in one family.
Every time I meet people from outer Palestine, either here or when I have the chance to travel abroad, I tell them never be biased unless you come to Palestine, live the daily life experience and know the truth. To be honest, we Palestinians don’t need blind cheerers! We just need people to understand the situation, seek for the truth and tell it honestly, because as a Palestinian I am sure and I believe that in this case, we are the owners of the right.
In august 2012 I met the Italian group “L’uva Grisa”, we took them around, showed them the apartheid wall, historical places and the life in some of the old cities of Palestine. Most of them had a background about what is going on in Palestine, but I am sure that this experience taught them more than they already knew, and made them see the truth more clearly. I hope to meet the other group, who is coming from 19th to 30th of next august, and I hope that what they will see will benefit them to realize what is really going on in Palestine.
Salam Qumsiyeh
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